TOP 10 Business Books

We’re trying to compile a list of the top 10 books that business people can comfortably assume that most business people have either read, or are familiar with, or at least have heard of. These should be books that one can comfortably refer to in business groups without getting the blank stare. This should be a good beginning for ‘must read’ books in order to be conversant in today’s business culture. Where we’re at now is (not in any particular order):
1. Good to Great, by Jim Collins
2. The World is Flat, by Thomas Friedman
3. Built to Last, by Collins and Porras
4. Who Moved My Cheese, by Johnson and Blanchard
5. Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell
6. Strengths Finder 2.0, by Tom Rath
7. Now Discover your Strengths, by Buckingham and Clifton
8. Talent is Over-rated, by Geoff Colvin
9. Blue Ocean Strategy, by Kim and Mauborgne
10. Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell
11. Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell
Anybody have any other ideas or suggestions? We’d like to get 15 or 20 candidates and then bounce that list off our friends in the Corporate Director’s Forum and see what they think – to help us get the list down to ten. Let us know what you think. Thanks Bob

2 thoughts on “TOP 10 Business Books

  1. Hi Bob,Here are a few books that I recommend.Emotional Intelligence by Daniel GolemanThe Power Principle by Blaine Lee Ph.D.Crossing The Chasm by Geoffrey MooreInside The Tornado by Geoffrey MooreWealth of Nations by Adam Smith – First published in 1776A few Military books:The Soul of Battle by Victor Davis HansonCarnage and Culture by Victor Davis Hanson The Shield of Achilles by Philip BobbitRegards,Jerry Lang


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